Gilak deh rasanya mau ketawa ngakak nulis judul di atas. The last time I became a very fanatic fan was when I was in College. Ow my God, time did fly! It's about almost 14 years ago! NOOOOO! LOL!
Waktu ituu, aku ngefaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans banget sama yang namanya grup band Padi. Aduh kalo diinget-inget bikin senep perut deh hahaha! Tapi aku gak mau bahas Padi ya, enough it's enough mah itu xixixiixi.
Sekarang mau bahas soal Dooley Couple ajah - which makes me a Doolier :D
Apa sih Dooley Couple itu? Jadi Dooley Couple itu si Jung Yong Hwa sama Park Shi Hye, karena peran mereka di "Heartstring" nama marga mereka sama-sama Lee. Jadi "Doo" (bahasa korea) yang artinya Dua, dan "Lee" .. so it became "Doo Lee" and in Enlish is more like "Dooley" :)
Yes, I still adore their relationship after see that drama. They are too cute to be true :D (ih kenapa tetiba bahasa Inggrisan sik? Xixixixi)
Anyway, apakah ini artinya aku gak move on ya dari "Heartstring"? Gak koook, aku tetep nontonin drama-drama yang lain hehehe. But, everything about them is always interesting. I mean, their friendship is so meaningful. How they adore each other, take care each other (especially Yong Hwa to Shin Hye... aww). They are so sweet!
Ini aku dapet dari forum di soompi para doolier (yeess, sampe aku registeerrr jadi member nyaaa. coba yaa bayangin deeh! :p) Here's what they got :
"But CNBlue's Jung Yong Hwa, who also co-starred with her in "Heartstrings," has said he makes it a point not to spend too much time with Park Shin Hye. He is fond of her but if they spend time together people inevitably start rumors that they are dating. He did not feel it was fair to her. He turned down a role in "The Heirs," saying that if he took it he knew it would be bad for both of them.
Despite the fact that they don't see each other often, Park remains a CNBlue fan and has been spotted in the audience of their concerts. "
Awww, they are really sweet, aren't they? I mean Jung Yong Hwa is protecting her (or him self? wkwkwk). Yang baca pasti bingung yah, ini mbak kenapa siiih xixixi. Pokoknya, aku suka ajah ama mereka hehehe. That's why I called my self a Doolier :p